per year
per year
Advanced Options
years old
When we'll add in social security and stop your yearly contribution
per month
Usually $1,500-$2,500/month

What is this?

There are tons of retirement calculators out there - ie. Vanguard, SmartAsset, Bankrate, Nerdwallet, but most of them require you to know when you'll retire, or how much you'll need in retirement (or like, when you'll die).

What if you're flexible and just want to see options?

OldPeopleMoney is a quick tool I (Ian) built so I could see what flexibility I had in retiring. Like what if I moved somewhere cheaper to live on $50k/year instead of $100k/year?

If you're currently 30 years old with $50k in retirement and contributing $5k/year (and assuming you'll live to 100) the difference is retiring at 67 vs 77, ew.

When can I retire?

This is a rollup of the below matrix simply showing how long your retirement would last at every potential age of retirement.

Retiring at {{ retirementAge }}
Your money ${{ Intl.NumberFormat().format(retirementMatrix[retirementAgeIndex][retirementAgeIndex]) }}
Lasts {{ lastAgeWithMoneyByRetirementAge[retirementAge].age - retirementAge }} year{{ lastAgeWithMoneyByRetirementAge[retirementAge].age - retirementAge !== 1 ? 's' : '' }}
Until age {{ lastAgeWithMoneyByRetirementAge[retirementAge].age }}
Ending with ${{ Intl.NumberFormat().format(lastAgeWithMoneyByRetirementAge[retirementAge].amount) }}

Key: Yearly Money by Retirement Age

Going down you can see at what age and how much money you'd have if you retired at any of the ages going across.

Age Retire at {{ currentAge }}
{{ age }} Retire at {{ retirementAge }} ${{ Intl.NumberFormat().format(Math.round(retirementMatrix[retirementAgeIndex][ageIndex])) }}
Retire at {{ age }}